Madam Butterfly cocoons-329070_1920_930x435

Madame Butterfly

Butterflies represent all positive characteristics of nature; they symbolize beauty, grace, and rebirth. Their life cycle truly epitomizes transformation.

The metamorphosis of the butterfly begins with an egg, from which a caterpillar hatches.  This larval stage is the main feeding stage, where it eats almost constantly, growing at an astonishing rate.  Reaching the ‘right size’ it finds a suitable place to attach itself and begins its pupa stage. Within the hard shell, or chrysalis, it dwells and emerges as a beautiful butterfly.

Such a transformation is awesome, unfolding exactly as nature intends, without any conscious effort.  This requires either total surrender or nothing at all.

I am delighted by the similarity of this cycle to our own.  We too, experience times when our appetite for knowledge is voracious, we dine on wisdom, satisfy a need to learn and in doing so, grow at an amazing rate.

We too, undergo dark periods during which we retreat within our own personal pupa and form a hard outer shell.  We may grieve, meditate, pray, regroup, recharge, recalibrate and remain there for quite some time.  We emerge from the chrysalis enlightened, stronger, more beautiful and ready to fly!

The stark difference is the butterfly is limited to one metamorphosis. We have the opportunity to experience several “butterfly life cycles”, however, many of us get lost.  Perhaps we can’t see the forest for the trees and create our own confusion.  We interfere with, as Emerson wrote, the “optimism of nature”.  I share this personal story to exemplify the optimism of nature at its finest…

I once believed the sweet mysteries of life were found outside my realm.  Certain I could not possibly possess the knowledge of life within, I began my search for the Holy Grail. I was so determined to find it (wherever it was hiding) that I bet my life on it.  I came close to losing the bet.

Imagine my elation when I found my “Mecca”, within the insidious, persuasive power of alcohol.  I had no doubt I would find everything for which I searched, one sip at a time. I remember my mother cautioning me …referring to alcohol as “demons in a bottle”.  I chose not to listen.  Surely my mother did not understand. Surely she was blind to my accomplishment – I had, after all, found myself. Years passed and those demons began to rear their ugly heads … mmm… was it possible my mother had known what was good for me?

They began to possess me. The more I drank, the deeper into an abyss I disappeared.  I was blinded by darkness and drank to my heart’s content, convinced I had found the true meaning of life!  I continued to host those demons, until one pivotal day while brushing my teeth.  I looked into the mirror and had my breath taken away by the terrifying demon whose eyes held mine with a snickering stare.  I knew at that moment I had to choose. Would I be sucked into their world of wretchedness or fight for my life?  I chose to fight for my life!

Madame Butterfly Pupacocoon-591557_1920I put down the bottle, found a suitable place to attach myself and began my pupa stage.  While deep within my chrysalis I struggled to “let go and let God”, release my will, surrender, turn it over – but I couldn’t (or so I thought, operative word … thought).  Despite my trying, I was certain it was not working.  One evening, when asked what my secret to staying sober was, I heard my own voice reply,  “I’m not doing anything, God is”.  I was amazed by the sheer simplicity of that moment!  Everything became crystal clear. I had turned it over.  I had surrendered months ago.  I was already living what I was trying to live and here I was, trying to force the optimism of nature.

I believe there is much to learn from the butterfly.  She does not force her cycles.  She trusts in the divine plan.  She lets go.  Grateful I am to the butterfly and her promise of hopeful transformation.

We each possess at least one “Madame Butterfly life cycle” within us.  I have learned to simply let go, trust the process and emerge from the chrysalis a more beautiful, graceful, wiser woman.  Each time I allow myself to do so, nature bestows the gift of a new set of gorgeous wings upon me, with which I soar to greater heights!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!



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