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An Invitation to Intuition

A New Year appears to be a fine time to commit to a new way of being. I offer a simple solution for an achievable resolution. It will set you up for an amazing new year and beyond. Go ahead – invite intuition into your life. If you and your intuition are already good friends – continue to cultivate your relationship. The benefits are priceless!


I know I should listen to my intuition when I don’t listen to my intuition. She is quick to remind me with that ever so breezy afterthought “aha! I knew it… I should have listened.”

How many of us should have, could have, would have, but didn’t? We think we know more than our all-knowing soft voice which whispers to us from our gut, our soul, the essence of our energy which would divinely guide us if we would simply get out of her way and allow her to do that which she does best. But no, we sometimes feel like we know best! And therein lies the opportunity.

Intuition first revealed herself to me when I was a young child. Born with a curious nature, my logic dictated I question my intuition. And question I did! Why should I listen? How could it know more than me? Why would I choose, decide, do something suggested by my intuition rather than myself? I cast my intuition aside as if I were throwing caution to the wind. I challenged the parameters of loving parental controls and did whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it. I said to heck with whatever advice my intuition offered, as the stimulus outside me was brighter, bolder, far more appealing and always captured my attention!

Yet, time and time again, I would kick myself for not listening to myself. You know those moments … you had a decision to make – your soul or intuition offered one choice and you chose the other. You thought you could count on the choice you made to net positive results, and serve your highest and best good. But in reality, the only thing you could count on was hearing yourself say “damn, why didn’t I listen to myself?”

As I entered into my late teenage years during the late 1960’s, drugs and alcohol beckoned me. Again, my good friend, intuition, the friend I had previously cast aside in pursuit of finding myself, cautioned me to go slow, think twice, don’t do it … however, I loved living on the edge and throwing that caution into the wind (despite the wind blowing it back in my face time and time again!). The more I threw caution, the deeper I buried my intuition until I could no longer hear, yet alone receive her advice. I had sent her packing! Oh, I am certain she continued to call out, especially during my times of dark despair, but I was too busy trusting me, and flying solo. I had separated myself from my soul.

Many years later, during early sobriety, a friend made a statement to me, which accompanies me to this day. It went something like this; “The longer you remain sober, the brighter your intuition will shine through.” I remember finding that statement to be profound. It was quite mystical and very inviting. I began to pay attention to the signs. I set the table hoping for a visit from my intuition. I had coffee brewing 24/7, and I left the light on to welcome my intuition back home.

candles-gb074e19f5_1920I cherished the time I set aside to sit in silence, pray and meditate and before too long, she began to make herself known. I acknowledged her presence. We were silently courting one another and it stirred my soul. I poured my heart into my writing and would journal for hours on end. Intuition joined me and came through loud and clear on the pages. We were cultivating a relationship which was followed by trust.

Trust for me was, and will always remain, the key. The more I heeded her advice, the clearer the course in which my life would travel became. My life really changed course when I began to accept my intuition. I was partnering with her and in more instances than not, I was heeding her recommendations.

As my spiritual practice deepened, so too did my intuition. I began to question her less and rely on her more, thus reaping the benefits of living a life in alignment of my soul’s wishes. My intuition and I experienced a mind melding of sorts. We now celebrate a perfect marriage, the foundation of which is trust.

Do I listen to my intuition all the time? No. I remain the curious child and continue to question everything. I am, however, quicker to recognize, accept and learn from those times when I did not listen.


©2023 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. *Reprint from Aspire Magazine ©2007.  Share this blog post to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.