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Write in the Moment

Do Not Allow Your Past to Define You…

Every minute of every hour of every day each and every one of us is writing the story of his/her life, whether you are consciously writing or simply writing-through-living. As you live you write, as you write you live, and so it goes.

However, if you continue to re-read previous chapters, you quite possibly may never be able to start a new chapter without being influenced by your past chapters.

“Live and learn”, an idiom as old as time itself serves as a great teacher. Isn’t that idiom a goal in life – to learn by example, by trial and error, experiences and mistakes? Hopefully, as you live you learn, and in the living you write new chapters based upon present experiences along with what was previously learned.

You trust your past will help to serve you, perhaps to seek greater knowledge, compassion and teachings. But when you dwell in your past you may never be able to fully or truly begin a new chapter. There is also a good chance that your new chapters may be tainted by unresolved issues, or tightly held onto grudges, and yes, my dear, we do take ourselves with us when we go.

If it is your desire, or dream, to have each chapter in the book of your life reflect your life in the present, as you write, (it is after all we have – the present) you will want to heal and release whatever reasons you may have which are keeping you tethered to your past.

  • Tune into why you may feel compelled to live or dwell in the past.
  • What benefits, if any, might you derive from rehashing old stories especially if the stories you rehash or recycle hurt yourself or others?
  • Might there be a more productive or compassionate way to rephrase or share your stories which may result in a teaching or a healing moment for all parties?
  • Experiment with how will you will feel when you release yourself from that story or stories, and untether yourself from any toxic energy of the past.
  • Begin to move forward and write a more joyful, productive, and in alignment with whom or where you are now, story of your life.

books-2158737_1920Many of your past chapters have taught you well. They may be dark, hurtful, or less than ideal in stark contrast with many chapters which are replete with joyful experiences of positive growth, forgiveness and love. The goal is take your teachings and hopefully become a better version of who you were; and to touch, move and inspire others along the way.

If you seek to live a “happily ever after” life, then it is incumbent upon you to do the work, which includes you take your own inventory on a regular basis, full-heartedly forgive yourself and others, and do your best to live and thereby write in the moment.



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