
You Do Have What it Takes…

to Change the Trajectory of Your Life

I recall the session as if it took place yesterday. It was the session which changed the trajectory of my business and my life.

Although I was trained and educated in holistic health counseling, specializing in not so much as what you’re eating, but in what’s eating you, and had put the skill set I had acquired in managerial positions in corporate America to excellent use with my clients, I had never given a second thought to connecting and communicating with our loved ones in the spirit realm.

Until that session.

My client and I, whom I will refer to as Ellen, were discussing a new recipe which involved quinoa (a superfood, which at the time was front and center in the world of nutrition) when I sensed the presence of her mother – who was in spirit. I was taken aback, as I had never consciously connected with a spirit entity – at least not in this type of a context, until that moment.

I can still recall the feeling – the sensations, as I playfully mentioned “I think your mother is here…” Bear in mind, I had never met Ellen’s mother, nor had I ever fully recognized my ability to communicate with spirit. However, I mentioned this to Ellen, as I believed she would be open to this visit from her mother, and she was. The rest is history.

That session, as I previously mentioned, changed the trajectory of my business and my life.

Ellen, her mothnetwork-3154910_1920 pixabayer and her father, (who was also in spirit and felt the need to listen and be heard) took our nutritional sessions to new heights. We delivered old wounds from out of the darkness into the light, created conversations around those wounds, which led to healing and understanding. We achieved peaceful resolutions to age-old disagreements. We were able to open dialogues around issues which had never previously been broached or dared to be spoken and we nourished Ellen and her parents’ souls in the ensuing sessions.

Our accomplishments and feelings of resolution harkened back to my days in the corporate workforce where outlandish goals were set and not only met, but exceeded. The only difference here was that Ellen, her parents and I had not set any goals. Our achievements were the result of an organic meeting of the minds and the willingness of all parties to ‘go the distance’ within a safe environment.

As a result of Ellen being able to broach subjects which she never previously had the courage to express, bring them into the light of conversation, and work through the issues with her parents’ active participation, to resolve and clear blockages which had prevented her from fully embodying her life, her life took on a new meaning. Ellen’s path shifted, and the trajectory of her life changed significantly. Her relationship with her parents took on a new sense of understanding, completeness and freedom unlike she had ever been able to experience.

Because her parents were given the opportunity to participate, they too, cleared the air, expressed their points of view and achieved new levels of understanding concerning Ellen’s needs and their individual parts in helping her to meet those needs.

Ellen’s sessions with her parents laid new groundwork for my business and for sessions to come in the days which were to stretch out in front of me.

As the spirit realm began to ‘get a drift of’ the work I was doing, more and more individuals on the earth plane sought me out. A buzz had been created within the spirit realm and referrals were coming from those in spirit who needed connection and resolution with their loved ones on the earth plane.

To this day my clients are achieving clarity, peace of mind and a new found sense of their own freedom, as they heal old wounds, mend broken fences and learn how to best communicate with their loved ones in spirit with grace and ease. Their loved ones in spirit are grateful for their improved relationships and deeper bonding with their loved ones on the earth plane.

You, too, can connect with your loved ones in spirit to initiate result driven conversations, speak the unspoken, move forward into new territory and change and the trajectory of your


Are you thinking about making a change in your life? Call me now for a 30 minute complimentary consultation – 508.947.5348

Diane Marie Ford Certified Holistic Counselor, Spirit Medium and author of The Spirits Speak on Success.  Experience a unique holistic, multidimensional approach to problem solving, enhanced by a dynamic blend of corporate management savvy with spirit strong essence for powerful, lasting results. Solve your most pressing problems so that you can invest your precious time in what truly matters most.

©2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.