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The Spirits Speak on Success


  • Do you find yourself struggling to reach a level of success without knowing your definition of success?
  • Are you so wrapped up in the pursuit of material gains/goods that you have lost sight of the little things in life?
  • Have you attained colossal success and now sit on top of the world in misery and with regrets?
  • Do you sometimes wonder since “you can’t take it with you,” what is the pursuit of success all about?

What if you had the resources available at your fingertips to ask these and many other questions about success of those who now dwell in the spirit realm and who have lived through and experienced these scenarios…would you explore the possibilities, connect and seek their expertise?

Imagine being able to learn from others’ past triumphs or failures, joys, or sorrows. Then imagine how those teachings could serve to better counsel you now in the present. Our ancestors and loved ones in spirit are uniquely positioned to shed a different kind of light on our earthly struggles and pursuits of success. They offer a one-of-a-kind reflection on the nature of success.

In my capacity as a certified holistic counselor, I guide my clients through various life struggles and obstacles. Though I have counseled on many issues, from addictions to low self-worth and everything in between, there is one topic, or issue, that either always comes up or never comes up yet shows up everywhere: the concept of success.

While reflecting on the meaning and interpretations of success and winding down the sixtieth year of my life, an idea popped into my ever-inquisitive mind: what if I were to call upon my favorite, number one, go-to guide in spirit, my mother, Leah, to assist me with a project? After all, her help in navigating through the afterlife is priceless.

What if I were to consciously connect for the remaining sixty days of my sixtieth year with sixty spirits and invite them to share their definitions of success. There are, after all, sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, and this would be the final sixty days of my sixtieth year.

Turning to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101 book, which “clearly explains how to receive accurate messages from your angels and heavenly loved ones,” I read the meaning of the number sixty and received my message loud and clear: “You are vacillating between focusing upon Spirit and the material world. This number is a call for you to balance your focus, and always remember that Spirit is your source and the force behind everything in your life.” The countdown commenced and we (my mother, the spirits, and I) were off and running!

Each and every day for sixty consecutive days, I was excited to begin the process and surprised to host a plethora of spirits, from celebrities to family members and friends. I was amazed by their visits and individual interpretations of success. They trusted me enough to hold the space for them to bare their souls. While many shared light and lively contributions to the meaning of success, others, whose stories were not so upbeat, had valuable lessons to impart as well.

As they shared, I drifted deeper, my energy soared higher, and with pen in hand, I wrote what I ‘heard’. I wrote and wrote, very quickly, unaware of what I was writing – knowing only that I must continue to do so until the energy was complete and the connection terminated.

We shared this process for sixty days and created our first book together, The Spirits Speak on Success.

May this book serve as your own personal guide to help you gain a deeper understanding of the age-old question “is there more to life than meets the eye?” and assist you in living a deeper, richer, and more successful life now, in the present. Help yourself to the wisdom and insight of those who have gone before us and now pave the way and hold the light. They share their life lessons to teach us how it is possible to change one’s mind-set and beliefs…one step at a time. janis-joplin-396743_1920

From Janis Joplin, who insists there is no “other side”, to my dog, Buddy, who summarizes his interpretation of success as “a good belly rub” – this book provides something for everyone.


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