Call Your Father2 Resized

Call Your Father

Yes, you read that correctly – call your father. While the recognized phrase may be “call your mother”, call you father has a comforting ring to it, especially when calling your mother is no longer an option, unless of course you place a call to the spirit realm, which is a possibility.

For the sake of this article, I will focus on the value of calling your father, in times of need, or in times or joy.

My mother, Leah’s death was sudden and tragic. It shook me to my core. In addition to sending

me into a state of denial and overwhelming grief, her death stripped me of any and all connection with her (or so I thought at the time). Often I would reach for the telephone to call her, forgetting she would no longer be on the other end of the line, only to put down the receiver. The reminder of her absence would become too much to bear.

Rather than allowing it to get the best of me, I began to follow through with that call to my mother. Fortunately, my father ‘Woody’ was on the other end of the line. I was grateful for his presence and began to talk with him as I had previously talked with my mother. My father and I had always been close and could talk about anything, but after my mother passed our relationship deepened and took on a life of its own.

When I felt that sudden urge to call my mother, I would. Lucky me – my father would answer. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, and the months into years and before I knew it two decades had passed. My father had seamlessly taken on a new role of father/mother.

Together we celebrated Father’s Day and we celebrated Mother’s Day. He filled the role of both father and mother with exceptional flare and love. Together we nurtured a remarkable relationship, replete with mutual understanding, respect and trust.

My father was always my ‘coach’, on and off the field. The man whose pride for his daughter was the wind beneath her wings, taught me how to cultivate and foster a positive outlook in life, no matter what. I owe my business acumen and love of public speaking to the once great master of ceremonies and my ease and pleasure in striking up conversations with strangers to his Irish blarney and ability to make others feel comfortable and appreciated. During the years of assuming and adapting to the role of father/mother, our relationship grew stronger, became deeply spiritual, open-minded and candid. We both blossomed as we helped one another move through the physical absence of my mother/his wife.

I realize I have been digressing, yet I hope that through my digressions I help you to see your father through a new lens.

As the years rolled along and my connection to spirit became activated and cultivated, my relationship with my mother, in spirit, took on an entirely new meaning as well. On several occasions my father joined our conversations and we re-established the circle. My father has been connecting with my mother and she, him, and I can feel the depth and breadth of their love for one another and for me.

I am grateful I chose to listen to the guidance from above, that still, small voice within which said “call your mother”. I would never have known my father would be standing by on the other end of the line, ready, willing and able to gracefully assume the role of father/mother and confidant.

If your father has been on your mind as you have been reading this blog post, I suggest you pick up the telephone and call your father.

You never know what may be awaiting you on the other end.

Dad Diane Ma 06.76

Dad, Me, Mom | June, 1976


(In memory of my father/mother; William ‘Woody’ R. Ford;
October 29, 1918 – June 6, 2018.)


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