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Rule Breaker Awards Nominee 2017

My philosophy “we take ourselves with us when we go” focuses on excavating the best damn version of who you are. Challenging the belief ‘life ends when you die’ has opened an entirely different and unique perspective on how to live.

Traditional counseling focuses on the living; my revolutionary counseling provokes thought, creates connection and conversation and brings the dead to life; providing you with no-nonsense, powerful results and has earned me a nomination for the 2017 Rule Breakers Award.

Please take a moment to cast your vote in my direction – and share with your friends, if the spirit moves you.

Click right here and make your vote count!

(Simply type my name in the Search Box: Diane Marie Ford and give me a Thumbs Up, baby.

– In order to cast your vote you will need to register. I sure do appreciate you taking the time and making the extra effort – thank you!