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You Are Your Ancestors

You are your ancestors. You do what you do, say what you say, and make the choices you make because part and parcel, you are living the lives of those who have gone before you. Heck, they may even still be with you.

How many of you have heard yourself say “Oh my God, I sound just like my mother, or I sound just like my father!” (who may be living or deceased)? Chances are you do, because you are. You are your mother, you are your father. Aside from their blood running through your veins, their DNA is intricately intertwined with yours. Studies have proven that emotions, thoughts and behaviors are passed down through the generations.

So what is a person to do?

If the traits you recognize are desirable to you and they trigger warm and happy memories and cause you to take life affirming action, celebrate! If your behaviors and decisions are serving your highest and best and yielding positive outcomes, rejoice! However, if your thoughts, actions or deeds keep you awake at night or serve only to hold you in a pattern of constantly repeating the same unwanted or unfulfilling habits, then you need to find out why.

Let me rephrase that. You need to find out why only if you want to improve your current conditions. If you are perfectly content or comfortably numb with your position in life, you need not do a thing.

But, if you sense you are destined for something greater, or that still, small voice within keeps repeating “there has to be more than this”, chances are you are destined to change the direction of your life.

I know from experience that your most reliable confidant resides within, and if you simply ‘listen to thyself’ you can embark upon a journey which will change the trajectory of your life. Your ancestors and loved ones in spirit want more for you. They do not want you to make the same mistakes (or worse) than they may have made. Trust me – better yet, trust them, they will provide guidance and wisdom while sharing their intimate, first hand expertise.


If this article has piqued your interest and you want to learn how to connect with the best damn version of yourself – contact me now.
©2016 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. You may share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use this article without my written permission. Thank you.