Lighten up and Take Flight

Lighten Up & Take Flight

If angels can fly because they take themselves lightly, then why aren’t you able to fly?

What is holding you back?

Weighing you down?

Could it be something about which you aren’t consciously aware?


Just because you cannot see it or articulate the feelings, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

To quote New York Sun editorial writer Francis Pharcellus Church; “The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see.

Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn?

Of course not; but that’s no proof that they are not there. 

Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.”

There is something there.

Intangible but influential.

Unseen but impactful.

The good news is that which you cannot see can be addressed.

Whatever may be holding you back or weighing you down can be revealed, addressed and healed.

Get the drift?

‘We’ carry these unseen and easily dismissed weights around for years – undiagnosed, untreated, unfair, and almost non-existent.

But our ‘bodies’ or our ‘physicality’ works well in tandem with our psyche to the point that one might say they are in silent ‘cahoots’ with each other.  When the physical can no longer carry the weight of the psychic pain or problem, we begin to physically break down.  Our psychic problems, which have gone unseen and undiagnosed our entire lives, can no longer bear to suffer in silence.

So the physical takes over and pain emerges.

Why should we submit ourselves to this cycle?

It certainly gets our attention – doesn’t it?

Why wait until you are physically broken down and wrought with pain to get to the heart of a psychic problem or blockage?

Why wait until you are so consumed by pain that you can’t think straight, you’re not in top form, you are way out of balance and unable to fully concentrate or give love or attention to that which so needs your love and attention?

Don’t wait any longer.

The healing is much easier to come by when you are fully present and feeling physically fine.

Don’t fret – though you may have broken down and feel the pain, which may have manifested as a sore back, aching knee or on-going headaches – we can still diagnose, deconstruct and deliver you to peace and prosperity now.

Why suffer?

Why wait any longer?

Begin here and now.

Schedule your consultation now and let’s lighten up and take flight together!