When is enough, enough?

When is Enough Enough?

“You can’t be all things to all people.”

How many times have you heard this expression?

Narrow down – Niche Out.

Focus.  Focus.  Focus.

Who is your ideal client?

What are the psychographics, the demographics, your target market?

Focus.  Focus.  Focus.

A gal can go crazy listening to the advice of others.

When did we stop listening to ourselves?

When did we start thinking we had to constantly look outside of ourselves to find the answers which reside within?

Are we suffering from coaching overload?

When do we listen to ourselves?

When do we begin to trust our own intuition?

When do we believe enough is enough?

Remember back to the days of the traveling General Practitioner, also known as the Family Doctor?  He made house calls treating everyone and everything, from children to the elderly, a broken leg to a common cold.  No niche.  No target market.


Results driven.

He made his rounds and kept it simple.

In this day and age there is so much advice ‘out there’… so many programs, so many creative ideas, different approaches to the same problems, everyone “teaching best what we most need to learn”, to quote Richard Bach.

We have become brainwashed into believing we don’t have enough.  We don’t know enough, there must be a different way, a better way – so we fill our days with training calls, courses, we gather information to add to our already existing arsenal of books, binders and folders – all the while giving a bit of ourselves away in the process.

Cashing in and depleting our self worth accounts to sign up for another course and believing “maybe this time it will work… maybe this time I’ll find success.”

Trading in what we know for what we think we need to know.

Denying our divine knowledge.

Leaking our essential essence drip by drip.

Rejecting our truth.

Hiding our brilliance.

Playing small.

I speak from experience.  Been there.  Done that.

I had been led astray, following another’s advice and ignoring my own wisdom.

Ignoring the knowledge I have accumulated through my own rich and diverse life experiences.

Until I realized I already had it all.

Italian composer of Madame Butterfly, Giacomo Puccini, believed that he would not have been given the desire without also being given the ability to create whatever it was that would come forth through him.

Think about that for a moment if you will… would you have been given your gifts, or sense of purpose without being given the magic to work that mojo?  I think not.

I believe we do teach best what we most need to learn – it’s all a part of honing our craft – and I further believe we do need help along the way.  But when we trade our inner-knowing and confidence for fear of the illusion that we aren’t whole or ‘ready to go’ until we complete one more course, class or certification program, we are performing a great disservice to our soul.

No woman is an island and we do need one another.  We are better together.

But there is a place along the journey where many ‘hang out’ – afraid to believe we have everything we need.  We hesitate to move forward, take the leap.   We play small and fail to celebrate our full worth.  We are at a tipping point.  And love is all there is.

This planet could use all the love we can muster up – but in order to give love, real honest to goodness love, we must be love.

In order to be love, we must begin with ourselves.

In order to begin with ourselves we must love ourselves, truly, madly, deeply love ourselves.

In order to truly, madly, deeply love ourselves, we must clear our minds and our psyche of all the crap we have experienced and with which we have saddled ourselves.

Not just the crap in this life time… and not just what our parents passed down to us – but all of the crap  all the generations have passed down – as far back as we can go – as far back as they are willing to travel from.

We must be reunited with ourselves and all our crazy idiosyncrasies.

We must take a good honest look, baring all – standing naked in front of a mirror, proclaiming our truths.

We must begin to accept and embrace ourselves.

We may not immediately love every little thing – appearances, thoughts, beliefs, personal traits, habits – but damn it – it’s a start.  It’s the best place from which can begin.

It is only in the true assessment that true change can spring forth.

Imagine the fearlessness and freedom you will experience from being brutally honest with yourself?

Imagine having your ‘loved ones in spirit’ guide you and share the whys of who you are – the you standing in front of the mirror.

They say real change begins within.  I say that’s more that a saying – I say that’s real truth.

Most of us are too timid to face ourselves in the mirror.

Many would rather expend their energy bitching about what’s not working, armed with a satchel full of excuses.

And many more would prefer to exhaust their bank accounts or max out their credit cards in order to enroll in just one more program… “That’s all I need – just one more program, then I will know what I need to know to _____________________________________”.

It is time to stop the madness.  Tip in your favor.  Stand in front of the mirror.  Choose you.

Go within and listen to thyself.

You are your ancestors.

You have more answers than you can possibly imagine.

You are beautiful and all-knowing

You have been delivered unto this planet with a mission embedded in your DNA.  Accompanying your mission is the ability to create and nurture that mission, your divine purpose.

Visit your past.

Connect with your lineage.

Deconstruct your DNA.

Remember your mission.

Learn what will work and what needs to be transformed and released.

Your mission awaits you – your world of plenty is calling.

Are you listening?

I’d be willing to bet you already possess enough to be all things to all people.

2 thoughts on “When is Enough Enough?

  1. Oh my Diane, I am so ready your mail!!! Why do we second guess ourselves and fall into these traps of once I do one more thing it will all come together? It’s almost as if we are really afraid on some level of how powerful we are…Crazy the games we play!!

    I love your comment about madame Butterfly…that we would not be given the desire without also being given the ability to create it….That is such truth!!

    You always write and speak such powerful truth, I love it…and this is the best post I have read anywhere in awhile!!!

    Keep them coming!!! Much Love~Marinna!

    • I say take the leap and trust in what you know.
      We are so much more than what we sometimes tend to believe.
      That’s the key now -isn’t it Marinna Rose – believing?
      Thanks for your steadfast support and love.
      Right back to you! <3

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