True Independence

True Independence

Your independence, on so many levels, is important to me.

I am inspired by our Founding Fathers, who, while crafting the Declaration Of Independence,  wrote in part;

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness  – to reach out and pose the following questions;

Are you living the life you choose and earning the money you deserve?

Do you feel at liberty to discuss financial health and wellness with family and friends?

Do you consciously pursue happiness or simply accept whatever life throws your way?

If you have answered no to any one of these three questions, perhaps it is your time to declare you own independence and affirm your freedom.   If you are up for the challenge…

  • Begin by making a list of the perceived obstacles that stand in your way.

(Examples of perceived obstacles may be anything from tasks you have yet to accomplish to bold goals you have yet to lay out.  They may have to do with personal, financial, spiritual or emotional aspects of your life.)

  • Prioritize them as; A. (Seemingly Insurmountable)   B. (Doable with Help)   C. (Piece of Cake)

Let’s take a look at and start with the obstacles you listed as your C’s – Pieces of Cake. Think about how long you have been carrying the heaviness of the stress attached to the thoughts of “should do, want to do, do it later” and take in a deep breath… hold… exhale.

  • Choose one of your Pieces of Cake obstacles and commit to taking care of it by a specific date and time.  (Right now is the ideal response, however, within a day or two is much better than “whenever”.)

For example, Clean out my wallet might be on your C List.  Perhaps you have been meaning to straighten out or even buy yourself a new wallet because every time you reach for it you cringe at the sight of the messy, overstuffed, filled to the brim with receipts, business cards, crunched up money and whathaveyou wallet.

Good!  When will you take the time to sort through, discard and organize, perhaps even buy a new wallet?  Right now?  Great!  Let’s do it!

If you can do it by yourself – fantastic! (Most likely the obstacles listed as your C’s… Pieces of Cake have more to do with making the time to address them – than not having the ability or gumption to achieve them.)

If you need help with it – look around and reach out.  You may be surprised at what happens.

Once you have achieved breaking through one obstacle – congratulate yourself and write the accomplishment as an affirmation. “Yay for me – I took a pivotal first step in money breakthrough (by clearing out my wallet of all unnecessary receipts, papers and stuff and organizing my bills in denominational order!”) 

Did you enjoy the return on your investment?  (Formula: Time to complete, ten minutes… look, feel and usability of wallet? – Priceless!)

You’re on a role – I encourage you to keep going.  Work through all your Pieces of Cake and let me know how you feel when you have accomplished them.

We will then move on and tackle the B’s – Doable with Help.  You will yield a greater return on your investment which will positively fuel your forward motion, and have you dreaming of possibilities and eager to approach the A’s – Seemingly Insurmountable.

Enlist help if you feel stuck, challenged or want to throw in the towel.

I am here to help you achieve a Life you Love, Liberty to enjoy all which you have created and Happiness here and now.

You are well on your way to writing and living your personalized Declaration of Independence!

Wave your flag girl!