Legacy - A Gift or Curse?

Legacy – A Gift or a Curse?

But I can’t possibly change the way I feel, act or believe – I was raised this way.”

“It worked for them and it will work for me.”

“It didn’t work for them, and it won’t work for me – it’s that simple.”

Stuck in family patterns?

Feel that albatross around your neck?

Know there is another way of doing, being, and living but can’t possibly figure out what that looks like or how to begin?

Legacy: anything handed down from the past.

When it comes to family you inherited more than just your looks, height or hair color. You also inherited beliefs and values that have been handed down for generations.

Your multi-generational gifts and garbage may be sending you mixed messages while creating huge opportunities for brilliant breakthroughs.   If you don’t know what you don’t know, you could continue to walk around unfulfilled, unclear, and unable to create the life you deserve.

If you do know what you do know, and realize some of that garbage has remained unresolved and is actually creating toxic situations in your life – you could still continue to walk around unfulfilled, unclear, and unable to create the life you deserve.

The bottom line is until you decide to take action you will continue to carry that weight.   All of your decisions will be made from the belief system you inherited.  The value you place on your lifestyle and your choices will be made from the same value systems which have been passed down to you for generations.

Quite possibly you have never given this any thought – up until now.

Be gentle with yourself.

You have taken a first step.

You may think about these questions and do some journaling around the answers:

  • Which family member (past or present) has had the greatest influence in your life?
  • How have they influenced you?
  • Have these influences added to or subtracted from your life as you live it today?
  • Do you have unresolved issues you would like to express with that person?
  • Do you have unspoken words you would like to say to that person?
  • Would discussing and/or clearing these influences make a difference in your life?
  • What would this difference look and feel like?
  • How do you believe you would you live your life after doing so?

One conversation can change your life.  Forever.

You need not continue to drag around excess baggage.

The buck can stop with you.

You do have the power to break the chain.

Imagine shifting the energy and creating a new family legacy which will continue to be passed down throughout future generations?

I can help.

We can change your lineage.

Right now.

One step at a time.

One person at a time.

It all begins with you.