Yes, Virginia…

In September of 1897, a curious young girl by the name of Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the editor of The Sun, a New York newspaper, with a burning question; “I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?”

This excerpt is part of a wonderful response provided by the editor, veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church. Virginia’s question and Francis’ response remain my favorite story.

“Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

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Always With Us

Our loved ones are always with us, in spirit or otherwise. Then why, as the holidays are upon us, do many grieve the loss of their loved one(s)?

I agree that a physical presence is potent – you can embrace, engage, converse and commiserate with a physical being. However, you can do the same with a loved one in spirit – yes, you may even embrace them!

In order to do so, you must simply believe.

How many of you think you may have had an encounter with a loved one in spirit? Perhaps you heard a voice, received a message, saw an image or likeness, inhaled a familiar scent or fragrance. When that thought crosses your mind, do you dismiss it or do you embrace it?

The choice is yours. Read More

Alive or Dead – You Decide

Many of you know I have been connecting and communicating with our loved ones in spirit for decades and many others are surprised, shocked even, when I mention that I talk with the dead. Why do I choose the word dead when those with whom we communicate are very much with us, very much alive, shall we say?

First, please know it is not out of disrespect – many of my favorite, most beloved, people and animals are among the dead. There are all sorts of words or phrases which are used to describe those who are no longer with us on this earth plane or with us in the flesh, such as “crossed over” transitioned or “gone to the other side”. I have chosen the noun dead, as in those who no longer have a life on earth as opposed to existence after death.

Spirit has made it quite clear that a physical form is not necessary to connect and communicate with those in physical form. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. Some of my most meaningful conversations are with those who have died and vacated their earthly body. Read More

Return If Possible

While reading tributes for a friend’s daughter who recently passed away (and crying my eyes out as I did) I came across this sentence “I wish RIP meant Return If Possible.” That sentence got me to thinking.

The first thought I had was how comforting is that? I am used to seeing Rest In Peace, or Rest In Power but never Return If Possible.

How many of us would want our deceased loved ones to return if possible?

Then I got to thinking, well, they can, and they do. Return that is. We simply need to trust in that process and their ability to do so, and see it for what it is worth. Read More

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;

Man never is, but always to be blessed:

The soul, uneasy and confined from home,

Rests and expatiates in a life to come.*

We are an optimistic lot by nature. We tend to hold on to our hope, though in some sobering situations, it may appear ‘things’ can’t possibly turn out the way we wish they would.

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What Will You Leave Behind?

A new year, a new month or a new day typically represents a new beginning. It can serve as an ideal space in time to begin anew. However in order to begin anew you must be ready, willing and able to let go of that which no longer serves you ‒ leave it all behind. Bless it and move along.

While you may be ready and even willing to do that, you may for some unknown reason, be unable to do so. You may continue to repeat that behavior ‒ you know, the one which no longer serves you, but you cannot seem to let go of because you think “next time it will be different.” Albert Einstein once defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Read More

High Hopes

We bid adieu to a year which has challenged and pushed us to dig deep within, within to the very best of who we are.

While we were digging in, we were also reaching out with compassion, generosity patience and love.

Congratulations – we’ve made it this far. Some more tattered and threadbare, others, stronger and more determined than they were when 2020 began. Of one thing I am sure, we are all wealthier for and better positioned because of the love we have given and received. Friendship, caring and camaraderie has overflowed throughout this entire year. And for that I am grateful.

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Vote for Love or Fear

One cannot help but see the stark differences between our presidential candidates. Our current political arena is replete with opportunities for the American voter. The most glaring opportunity, as I see it, is the choice between love and fear.

The choice is quite simple, I do believe, if one applies a basic principle, the principle I have been applying quite effectively, I might add, over the last few decades.

I am of the belief all humans operate from a place of either love or fear. Love is easy to detect. We all know how a loving person feels, looks and acts. Fear, on the other hand, while simply the absence of love, can be challenging to detect. How does a fearful person feel, look, and act? Let’s take a look at that. Once you recognize the telltale signs, your life will take on new meaning. You will become an emotional environmentalist, saving energy every step of your way.

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Write in the Moment

Do Not Allow Your Past to Define You…

Every minute of every hour of every day each and every one of us is writing the story of his/her life, whether you are consciously writing or simply writing-through-living. As you live you write, as you write you live, and so it goes.

However, if you continue to re-read previous chapters, you quite possibly may never be able to start a new chapter without being influenced by your past chapters. Read More

Affirm to Transform

Do you have a practice or philosophy by which you live? I do. I live by and practice the philosophies of A Course in Miracles (a spiritual psychotherapy) and Science of Mind (the teachings of Religious Science). One of the most influential, and one of my most revered Science of Mind ministers was Louise Hay.

During recent mediation and prayer time, which is also when I receive messages from my spirit collective, I was guided to Louise’s book, Heal Your Body, which is a quick reference guide to the Problem and Probable Mental Pattern behind dis-ease in your body.

Given our current state of affairs with COVID-19, I was not the least bit surprised when I was directed to explore the book for Viral Infections. This is what I found; Read More