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Plant A Seed

“Talking until you are blue in the face, Stubborn as a mule, Too close minded to take it in, Set in their ways”… I’m sure you have heard it all before.

You attempt to offer guidance or advice – make your voice heard or get your point across all to no avail. It feels next to impossible to mend, develop or nurture a relationship with anyone if you are unable to see eye to eye. But is it?

Sure, if you do not have a pathway to open communication it can feel like all is for naught, you will never reach common ground. What is left unaddressed usually festers and the divide widens, leaving one party feeling alone and bereft. What are you supposed to do?

We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive, but we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.

You can apply the same fundamental process of planting a small seed when dealing with an impasse. It may be an action you take on your own by extending an invitation for an unbiased third person to step in and lend a hand with “watering” – offering an ear and guidance, a middle person who will serve to receive and give to both parties.

A perfect example and one I deal with on a daily basis, is when a spirit wants to connect with a loved one, yet they are unable to get through to them. Typically and in their own inimitable fashion, they direct their loved one to the attention of a spirit medium who, in turn, makes the connection on their behalf.

Perhaps you would consider bringing a counselor or therapist into your conversation – someone who is not attached to an outcome. You could also plant a seed and lead by example.

Adopt and live by the quote “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Although you may not understand the person’s point of view, or reason for their behavior, do your best to not judge the person or party with whom you are attempting to connect to reconcile. Create a space for understanding and healing.

Be as loving, kind and generous as possible and hold the space for that person to step into and mirror back that love, kindness and generosity. Always believe in the best possible outcome for all.

You may end up receiving blessings beyond your wildest hopes.


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