Animals Too C_930x435(1)

Animals Too!

Would you agree that our canine, feline and other non-human companions/family members are as important to as our human companions?

They have their own special way of communicating; we understand and respond accordingly. Oftentimes, we refer to them as our ‘buddy’, ‘good friend’ and ‘family’. We form tight, loving bonds and are often left devastated when our animal companions transition to cross over the ‘rainbow bridge’.

Perhaps you have lost an animal companion and experienced the exact same cycle of emotions as you did when you lost a human family member, friend, spouse or partner. I suspect you know what I am talking about. The same seven stages of grief, as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: shock or disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression, acceptance and hope, apply to the grieving process whether you grieve for a human or an animal.

Is it any wonder that our animal companions, after they discard their earthly form, can still communicate and comfort us? They were an integral part of our lives, they communicated and expressed themselves. We understood, loved, cared for and communicated equally with them. A simple exchange of facial expressions, snap of the fingers, melodic whistle, or a “come here, Buddy”, and we were good to go.

Why wouldn’t they be able to continue their connection as easily as our human counterparts in spirit? I am here to tell you not only can they – they do!

Cha Tigger Forrest 2010 Cannon March April 228I am quite sure many of you who have had a companion transition into spirit have already heard from them in some way, shape or form. I am quite comfortable saying they have reached out to let you know they remain by your side and watch over you, and have sent you validation of their presence.

Animal companions bring me a different type of joy when they come through to connect. Just the other day I was in session with a (human) client, Wendy. Her dog, Ruthie, had come through to me earlier in the day and made a point to connect while her human was present. Ruthie wanted Wendy to know she was surprised no one had found all the bones she had left behind, before she (recently) transitioned. (‘No one’ according to Ruthie, included her two human and two canine companions.) Ruthie added she would not provide any clues as to the whereabouts of the bones, as part of her ‘plan’ was to keep them guessing.

Needless to say Wendy was surprised. She told me she had recently mentioned to her husband she wondered why they had not found the bones. Ruthie, in her indomitable spirit, dropped in to let my client, her people, know she was not only better than okay, but she was up to her playful ways.

Yes my dear, we can talk to the dead… allow me to bring your loved ones through – human, animal, you name it – connections are connections.


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