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Too Late to Learn

Do you believe you have learned everything you need to know to live a love-infused, productive, fulfilled life? Perhaps you believe you have learned so much your brain is now incapable of taking in, processing and applying new information.

If you think either of those or similar thoughts may be true, please stop right here and now and think again.

I am here to tell you “The amount of information the brain can store in its many trillions of synapses is not infinite, but it is large enough that the amount we can learn is not limited by the brain’s storage capacity.” *

Are you now open to learning more?

If you responded in the affirmative my next question is, would you be open to learning from your ancestors and loved ones in spirit? Those who have gone before you and are able to share the “ins and outs” of their accomplishments, mistakes and challenges, to help you fine-tune a more positive and sustaining lifestyle?

I assure you, no one knows you, your idiosyncrasies and blind spots better than your loved ones in spirit do, so who better is equipped to provide insight, encouragement and a gentle (or not so gentle) course correction when you need it most?

I have learned throughout my years of counseling with spirit, those who are in the optimal position to teach and guide you are your ancestors and loved ones in spirit. They have experienced it all, and through those experiences, the good, the bad, the indifferent, they can help you to shift your perspective, change your expectations, gain clarity and set a new course.

Are you struggling with a situation, experiencing indecisiveness, loss of direction and/or repeating the same behavior over and over again all while expecting a different outcome?

Your ancestors and loved ones in spirit can help.

Their “been there, done that” exposure to and immersion in a lifetime of experiences qualify them as top-notch, grade A teachers. Step into their classroom and feel the love as you receive your priceless education. They await your attendance.

It’s never too late to learn.


*BrainFacts.org Russell Poldrack, Psychology and Neurobiology Professor


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