
Be Like the Solstice Sun

Many of you are making up for ‘lost time’, the time you were previously confined to your home, the time you were unable to visit with family and friends, or the time you were simply unable to go about your business.

Nowadays there appears to be a certain type of frenetic energy afoot, people running here and there, returning to their daily routines.

But what do you think happens when you go, go, go all the time? You will most likely burn yourself out, find it difficult to catch your breath or wind up running on empty until you peter out altogether.

It does not have to be that way.

Do you remember what it felt like when you were unable to go, go, go? Sure, it took some getting used to, but once you were able to move beyond feelings of deprivation, loss and emptiness you settled into a different groove. You mysteriously acquired a peaceful sense of relaxation. You adopted a ‘nowhere to go, nothing to do’ sense of being.

Many actually stopped long enough to see life in all of its wondrous glory. You experienced a Summer Solstice moment.

The Summer Solstice is astronomically the start of summer in the northern hemisphere and is known as the longest day of the year. For a few days before and after the solstice, the sun will appear to “stand still”. Hence, the word solstice, which actually comes from Latin where “SOL” means “SUN” and “SISTERE” means to stand still. So when put together, it loosely means “Sun Stand Still”. *

I encourage you to be like the sun, if only for a few days. Stand still. If not literally – figuratively. Hearken back to the luxurious moments during the pandemic, when you were encouraged to lay low. How did you endure or celebrate that period of time? Adopt that temporary lifestyle for a few days.

  • Rest more – enjoy the little things in life.
  • Slow down – observe the beauty all around you.
  • Stop all together – long enough to call a friend or family member and have a conversation.
  • Prepare a nourishing meal – one which requires planning, preparation and a heap of love.
  • Sleep in – feel the healing benefit of a deep, nourishing sleep.
  • Replenish thyself – appreciate life.

A day or two of standing still will enrich your life.

If you choose to be like the sun on the summer solstice, you will be on your way to a healthy, wholesome, peaceful life.




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