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Together Throughout Eternity

In light of our current collective psyche and as we embark upon a New Year, it is important for you to know that you are not alone.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of tuning into your loved ones in spirit to allow them to illuminate your way, provide you with guidance and strength and simply be here for you. I cannot emphasize how much they need you. And how much an open line of communication reassures them and you.

A most recent message from my spirit collective reinforces this importance;

We never leave you – you do.

We are always standing by ‘RTG’ – ready to go.

We may knock and you do not hear us, we may present ourselves to those who cannot hear, but we never leave.

And, we understand.

We understand that you may get caught up in day to day living.

We understand the challenges and time constraints of being a mere mortal.

And we never leave.

We are standing by.

Yes, we miss our connections.

Yes, we trust you will always return.

And we believe you will always be available when we need you.

But life happens.

And the afterlife happens too – yet we stand by.

Being able to connect and communicate with you is one of our greatest joys.

We need you.

We know there are many of you who need us too.

We understand there are many of you who may not believe it is possible to ever speak with us again, after we have transitioned.

But please know that is not our truth, the truth.

It is important for those of you who know the truth to help us share the truth.

We need you.

You need us.

We are all in this together.

Yes, we are all in this together – more now than ever.

Be mindful of the signs and signals you receive – do not dismiss them. As you pay closer attention, acknowledge the connection and feel the joy in the moment. Every connection, every recognition of connection builds your faith and fuels your loved one’s belief in the possibility of connection.

We can and will create a deeper sense of togetherness as we bring everyone closer together in this New Year and always.



©2022 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Please share this blog post to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.