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Love is the Antidote

The collective sigh of relief was felt by those around the world and by those in the afterlife.
Yes, we felt it. Yes, we shared it. Yes, breathed it in and exhaled it out, right along with you.

There has been an inordinate amount of pain and suffering, unrest and worry, divisiveness and distrust. And conversely, there has been a considerable amount of love, hope, belief and goodness.

We have been and will continue focusing on goodness, on the light penetrating through the darkness and on illumination giving way to love and fellowship. Fellowship in the sense of brotherly and sisterly love.

Yes, we do believe love is the antidote. Love has always been the antidote, the mighty leveler, the soothing elixir.

The sigh of relief felt like a calming wave of letting go.

A monumental letting go, as if the collective ‘we’ had been freed and released the fears of our past. The fears which tried as they might did not overpower nor get the best of us.

The air/atmosphere has been cleansed. There is more hope swirling about then there has been in years.

What do you intend to do with your hope?

How do you intend to share the hope, celebrate it, live it?

Our dark days are becoming lighter.

Winter is transforming into spring.

How will you prepare yourself to receive the light?

Will you welcome it?

Will you become it?

We believe so.

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