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Betwixt and Between

On March 23, 2020, the Governor of Massachusetts issued an Executive Order requiring all non-essential businesses close, the following day. Overnight our lives became dramatically different and far more challenging.

March 24th was a little over two months ago, but it sometimes feels like it was over two years ago – doesn’t it? Some have been coping well, others, not so much. We have been tethered to a place of betwixt and between – a place of not being here, nor there.

What is a person to do?

If we fail to recognize the sharp contrast between life before the pandemic and life in the present moment, we may never regain our sense of balance, or our sense of connection. We may never be sure of anything.

Our loved ones in spirit, especially those who have recently crossed over due to COVID-19 complications, are feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, lost and although they are welcomed into the heavenly realm, discombobulated. They have been passing through the pearly gates in droves, many unable to catch their breath, let alone make any sense of it all.

What is a spirit to do?

I have been inundated by the spirits of your loved ones who are seeking guidance; love and a greater sense of connection with you, their loved ones. This is a tumultuous time for us all and yes, we are all in this together.

In response to the questions “what is a person to do” and “what is a spirit to do”, I offer the following suggestions;

Create a daily practice of scheduling time to sit in silence and breathe. Yes, breathe. Inhale, exhale, in and out. Feel your breath, listen to the wisdom of your ancestors and invite them to participate.

During this meditative time, let go of anything which may be creating additional strife or angst – you know, those ‘things’ which are beyond your control. Ask for grace and a deeper sense of connection and compassion. And listen. Really listen. You may be surprised by what you hear. If you allow yourself to go with the flow and be open to a fluid connection, you could possibly grant your loved ones the opportunity to make that connection and have a conversation.

If you feel the least bit skeptical, let go of the skepticism and allow yourself to receive. Once you and they have done so, appreciate the connection for what it’s worth. It is within that connection you find peace. You and your loved ones find peace.

Commit to your practice on a daily basis. Journal or take notes of your explorations and conversations. Your life will become fuller, richer, more meaningful and you will have successfully moved from betwixt and between to here and now – the present, with your loved ones by your side feeling as grounded and loved as you.



© 2020 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.