
Set Your Table to Include Your Loved Ones

The holidays are fast approaching and your ancestors and loved ones in spirit long to participate in your family gatherings. I am reminded time and time again of their need to be acknowledged and to be ‘a part of’.

They, your loved ones in spirit, strive to make a connection with you – some do, many do not. I give them credit because they never relinquish that ‘spirit’, they never give up trying. Take comfort in the knowing that they will never give up, no never –not until they connect and communicate with you.

I am also told you can make it a great deal easier for them to connect with you if you tune in and surrender your skepticism. Simply give the possibility of connecting a try.

As I write this blog I can hear their collective concern and audible advice “don’t fight it, feel it” which brings to mind my beautiful black cat, Seven. Seven was a character, to say the least. He died before we celebrated his first birthday. We missed him mightily and I would scan the house looking for him after he had passed. One day I heard him speak loud and clear “don’t look for me, see me.” Your loved ones in spirits’ messages are similar. Your loved ones in spirit are right here with you.

You possess the power to make your loved one’s efforts to connect successful.

First, believe. Yes, suspend any preconceived notions or ideas that “I must be crazy because I hear voices” and simply believe.

Second, acknowledge him/her/them. Let them know that you believe in them and you can hear them.

Third, carry on as if they were sitting next to you, because in essence, they are. Enjoy one another’s company and conversation.

Please know, I am told over and over again of the difficulties they have with coming through, connecting and communicating. It is somewhat frustrating because they know you can help and make that assist. Think about how much you may miss and want to connect with them, and then think about how much they may miss and want to connect with you. Then think about how much easier you can make it for one another.

You are not alone. They are very much with you, close by, whispering in your ear. How about extending an invitation to them to join you at the dinner table this season? When you set your table, include a place for them, complete with a dinner plate, napkin, and cutlery. Then sit back and enjoy the meal and one another’s company.


Happy Thanksgiving from my home to yours.










© 2019 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.