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Hallowed Help

Witches and goblins and ghosts, oh my!
Make sure you sleep with an open eye.

You will want to make sure that you will see,
The souls of your loved ones who will visit thee!

All Hallows’ Eve, when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is the thinnest, making accessibility that much easier, is not the only ideal time for spirits pay a visit. Sure, the energy is ripe for connecting; it’s electrifying, exciting and inviting, if I do say so myself, but it’s not the only time to connect.

Any day, night or day, any season, is an ideal time to reach out, connect and communicate. I can vouch for the willingness and readiness of your loved ones; I sense their desire to spend time with you. Often their desire feels like an imperative.

Yes, they are capable of expressing their feelings and letting us know what they need and what they can provide. I know first-hand that more often than not, some of our conversations which they long to share are life changers, replete with invaluable information and glorious guidance from their hearts to yours.

You may be interested to know they are aware of the fact that the world in which they once embodied physical space, is rapidly changing. They bear witness to the challenges, frustrations and instabilities which affect their loved ones in a myriad of ways. Imbalance, indecisiveness and undue stress create suffering, sickness and misfortune.

For example, a woman called me out of the blue and explained she was experiencing on-going pain in her knees. She would go through her daily routine and suffer in silence. She wondered if I could help. My philosophy is a call out of the blue is a referral from spirit. After only one session it was revealed that her knee pain was related to her inability to be flexible. (She had been refusing to give in to an on-going conflict with her husband.) Through co-counseling with her mother in spirit (who is well acquainted with her daughter’s stubborn nature and how it caused turmoil in her life from a very young age) we created a plan which focuses on fostering forgiveness, understanding and compassion. Not only is her relationship with her husband improving, her knee pain is diminishing.

Your loved ones can help. The human experience coupled with their other-worldly point of view provides them insight and leverage. Imagine blending their point of view from the time they lived on the earth plane with their ability to take in information and process it with a new and improved skill set and perspective – then imagine how they can help you here and now.

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They long to prop you up, share their knowledge and expertise and help you to see clearer, believe deeper and live a happier life, feeling hopeful and loved. However, you must slow down. You must look on the positive side of life (or “fake it until you make it”, which, by the way works) and yes, look for and see the light at the end of the tunnel (it is always there).

On those days that you feel a gentle nudge please know you are being guided. Slow down to the point of stopping and listen to the still, small voice within. It is within that stillness that your loved ones can be heard. Listen and follow their lead, or pick up the telephone and give me a call. I will happily facilitate the connection for you both.

Diane Marie Ford Certified Holistic Counselor, Spirit Medium and author of The Spirits Speak on Success and Co-Author of “If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now”.

© 2019 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.