
Bona Fide Independence ~ Booyah!

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” *


If there is any truth to that quote then there are a high percentage of people in this world who could be categorized as insane. Would you agree?

The more you keep repeating the same patterns, the less your life changes and the deeper the hole in which you live becomes. What is a person to do?

If you wonder why your life hasn’t changed for the better, or why your current situation hasn’t improved, you may want to consider evaluating your current behavior, or taking a different approach to the way you do something. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you may be stuck in an endless loop or why you feel as if you are out of options?

joy-1350035_1920Well I say ‘Hakuna Matata’! There is good news! I have found through my decades of communicating with and supporting those in the spirit realm, and working in tandem with their loved ones here on the earth plane, that many of your challenges can easily be remedied and your solutions are actually simple.

I have learned the majority of the mindsets, beliefs and behaviors which govern your life have been passed down from your ancestors – your parents, grandparents and so on. Just like your DNA, those mindsets, beliefs and behaviors are an integral part of who you are. You do what you do and say what you say because it is what you know. You behave according to how you were raised and conditioned. Until you do not, that is.

In addition, I have learned through connecting the spirit realm with the living realm, your parents passed along the mindsets, behaviors and beliefs that their parents passed along to them, and so on and so forth. They did the best they could, however, the possibility exists that their best from decades ago does not serve you today.

For example, a client of mine, Colleen, had an Irish immigrant father, Tom. He worked long, arduous hours and still barely made ends meet. He went to his grave feeling defeated and broke. Colleen had been following in his footsteps. In only one session Tom explained how his ‘nose to the grindstone’ behavior was passed down to him and while he did his best, he wanted Colleen to know, among other lessons, that he had regretted not spending more quality time with his family. He encouraged Colleen to slow down and find balance. Colleen was both comforted and surprised to learn that, and began to reaccess her lifestyle to focus on what truly was important to her.

Another client, Susan, who was raised during the 1950s, lived her life accepting only what she was given. She never knew that wanting (and going for) more than ‘just enough’ was an option. During a visit from both of her parents, and subsequent sessions, Susan began to understand that she could ‘go for it’ and achieve more than what her parents had achieved during their lifetime. Imagine the release? It was as if Susan had been given the greenlight – and off she went! She was freed from the mindset that had taught her to accept only what she was given and learned to create new and improved behaviors.

It is through the connections and conversations which take place during our sessions that we begin to understand from whence we came and why we may have been experiencing life on ‘ancestral auto-pilot’. It is in the understanding, acceptance and forward movement that we begin to achieve new mindset, beliefs, behaviors and results.

You begin to think differently and look at life through new, improved and more curious lenses. A new-found freedom, an independence of sorts, takes hold and there is no going back. You change the trajectory of your life and the lives of those who come after you. Bona fide independence all around – Booyah!

*Quote attributed to Albert Einstein.



© 2019 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.