
Go Ahead – Take That First Step

Do you ever feel like you cannot get out of your own way and you keep making the same mistakes over and over again? You may wonder why nothing ever changes or you may be so comfortable with your patterns you don’t even notice you’re stuck in status quo. Or you may, every now and again, question your sanity.

What do you think will happen if you continue along this path?

Will you remain at the same station in life? Will your dreams go unfulfilled? Will you continue to beat yourself up because try as you might, you cannot get out of your own way?

Chances are you have been thinking about making a change or longing for a change, but you’re not sure what to do or where to begin. Stop for a moment and acknowledge the part of you that craves change. Then give yourself a pat on the back, because you have begun – you have just taken your first step. The next question is – will you continue to keep stepping forward?

This is what I have found through my years of connecting, communicating and counseling with your ancestors in spirit…

  1. You do take yourself with you when you transition to spirit and there is more to life than meets the eye.
  2. Your loved ones have insight unlike anything they had when they were in the flesh and they long to share that insight with you.
  3. Your parents worked with what they had to lovingly and correctly guide you, and they passed on their beliefs, mindsets and behaviors to you.

Those mistakes you repeatedly make, can most likely be attributed to the beliefs, mindsets and behaviors your ancestors passed on to you. By connecting, communicating and counseling with your ancestors we can explore and differentiate those beliefs, mindsets and behaviors. Imagine learning how to discern which behaviors belong to them and which belong to you? Imagine being able to free yourself to transform your beliefs, mindsets and behaviors into those which support and sustain a healthy, vibrant, productive life for you?

It is possible.

My clients have been benefiting from the freedom of letting go of that which no longer serves them, transforming outdated, limiting beliefs into positive action and creating lifestyles rich with comfort, joy and a true sense of direction.

Albert Einstein was quoted to have said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” However, he failed to mention that doing the same thing over and over again is a pattern which can be redirected, an ancestral chain which can be broken.

All it requires is that you take that first step.

We’re here to help you learn how you can remain sane and break your ancestral chains.

“Allow ‘us’, your ancestors and loved ones in spirit, to help you let go of your limiting mindsets and break through the beliefs which may have served us, but do not serve you, so that you may become the best version of yourself and live a fully alive life now.  If not now, when?”

Change the trajectory of your life.  Live a lasting legacy. It all starts with YOU.


©2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. You may share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission.  Thank you.