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Time for a Course Correction

“What goes around comes around.” A double-edged sword or a beautifully wrapped gift?

When you hear that expression, what thoughts run through your mind?

I am often reminded of how those who have gone before me have set the stage.

I carry on in the likeness of my parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on. Doesn’t it only make sense – if their blood runs through my veins, that I would have inherited their beliefs?

My past influences my future. Who I am influences who I will become.

What if who I am is not in alignment with the present – the here and now?

Neanderthal women tended to the home fires while their men foraged and slayed the mammoth beast, dragging them back to their caves. That type of existence wouldn’t suit us now, yet, studies have shown a possible link between their DNA and ours. Perhaps we have carried some of those same behaviors forward into this day and age.

Maternal GrandparentsMy grandparents ‘got by with very little’ and accepted that belief as their lot in life. They ‘made due’. Until I realized I had carried that mindset forward and was also comfortable with ‘making due’ I wanted for nothing more. I was comfortable with ‘making due’.

I was blindly going through the motions while unconsciously sabotaging myself at every turn. I wasn’t even aware of the bigger problems I had been creating. They say “you don’t know what you don’t know”.

And, I was creating conflict in my life because my past ‘self’ had quietly and effortlessly settled into the ‘make due’ mentality while my present ‘self’ couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get ahead. The same old, same old pattern kept repeating itself. Had I not been willing and open to explore and deconstruct, I would have continued moving in this cycle for the remainder of my natural born days and nothing would have changed.

After receiving a Divine download and being open to delve deeper within myself, I set out on a journey into my past and sought counsel with my ancestors. If I cared to capitalize on this situation I would need to go directly to the source – to a point of origin.

It was revealed, though self-exploration and connection, that that which had served my grandparents no longer served me. In fact, it never served me at all. The energy and frame of mind which guided them through the great depression and beyond, no longer applied.

I gained an understanding unlike any I had ever believed possible and was ‘given permission’ to go ahead, dream bigger and create more than ‘just enough’ for myself and my family. It was finally ‘okay’ to create bigger, more bodacious goals and feel expansive in the process.

My self-worth began to bloom and there was a lilt in my step.

Connection and understanding are priceless.

One cannot place a value on the benefit of connecting with your ancestors, understanding their rationale, and translating that into valuable options and new directions in the here and now.

Begin with who and where you are in this moment.

Consider the source.

Consider the links.

Leverage your lineage and bear witness to an entirely new and different interpretation of the meaning of “what goes around comes around” as you begin to live your full expression.



Diane Marie Ford, Certified Holistic Counselor, Spirit Medium ~ Accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

©2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. You may share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.