
Leave a Lasting Legacy

Our ancestors and loved ones in spirit have passed down a great many traits and behaviors to you; some not so desirable, and others, your finest qualities. Those finer qualities, like compassion, understanding, good judgement, strong interpersonal skills, and a sense of humor have helped shape you and gotten you this far in life.

Have you ever given thought to how their qualities, behaviors, and beliefs may have influenced you over your lifetime and how you may be passing along those qualities to your own children?

Have you ever given thought to how you may be influencing your children, and for what or how you will be remembered?

What type of a legacy will you leave for your loved ones?

One day we will all be in spirit.

One day we will all be remembered for our contributions and influences.

There is no time like the present to begin thinking about and taking action around how you intend to be remembered by the legacy you intend to leave.

I have learned through experience that for the most part, while your ancestors and loved ones in spirit were on this earth plane, they did the best they could with what they had, given the ‘times’, their access to their own feelings and their ability to acknowledge and express their emotions. They led by example, whether consciously aware of it or not. You learned from them; they shaped your world, thoughts and behaviors.

Have you ever given thought to why you do the things you do and make the decisions you make?

You can capitalize on all you have learned and who you are to create a legacy you can be proud of.

Imagine how you will feel knowing you have positively impacted your family and future generations? Imagine ‘breaking the chains’ of past generations and changing the trajectory of future generations. You have that power.

From where I stand and the connection I share with those is spirit, I know the peace and joy which is possible to achieve and dwell within after you have transitioned. Conversely, I know all too well the pain and anguish many must come to terms with and process after they have transitioned and before they are able to “rest in peace”.

Since we do take ourselves with us – why not take the best damn version? If the possibility exists that you can shape and influence your loved ones in a positive, constructive, loving manner, and leave a lasting legacy you can be proud of, so that you may “rest in peace” – wouldn’t you choose that? Well, guess what? You may begin to do so in this moment.

Begin by giving thought to your behaviors, how you live your life – are you happy, do you look at life in a positive, upbeat manner or are you always looking to find fault and complain?

Do you spread love and joy wherever you go – or are you fed up with the ‘way of the world’ and think “what’s the use”?

Would you rather capitalize on your blessings and multiply them every day by demonstrating gratitude, or are you depleting your self-worth account with every unkind thought you may have about yourself and others?

You control your life. You also control your afterlife. You have the power to influence those around you – negatively or positively.

You may position yourself for success or you may position yourself for failure. It is your choice.

Exercise your power. Choose to leave a lasting legacy of which you will be proud.


©2016 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. May NOT be used for promotional purposes without the explicit written permission of the author.