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Enjoy Yourself – It’s Later Than You Think

(This article is a message directly from my mother, Leah, who is in spirit. She felt the need to ring in the New Year with loving wisdom for us all. I hope you will enjoy!)

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think. Not to be all doom and gloom, but to be realistic.

I always felt as if my life had been swept up by some forceful river and carried along at a pace I was sometimes comfortable with, other times, not so much. Though on some level I felt I had all the time in the world, there was a secret place within me, shared with no one, which I felt I had to enjoy every single minute – now – because it was later than I thought.

It has been twenty years since I transitioned into spirit, non-form, pure energy, not housed nor constricted by physical form and I am remembering my days in form as if they were just yesterday. There isn’t any measure of time now. No sense of urgency nor thought to ‘enjoy now, it’s later than you think’ – because we do not give much thought to that – ‘time’, that is. “We have all the time in the world” which means we have no time at all because we are ‘other worldly’. However, we do have the capability to dwell within the world; so therefore, we too, have all the time in the world.

My message is ‘do not squander your time’. Enjoy your time. Put it to good use by choosing to be loving, kind, and compassionate. Choosing any other way of living or side-stepping from love, kindness and compassion is choosing to cause great disservice to only you. Though you may affect others by your less than loving attitude or outlook on life, you are affecting yourself first and foremost.

Live each day with joy – you can find it everywhere, you simply need to look. Send love to those you may never have given a second thought to. Show compassion to those less fortunate than you, and not simply on a financial level.

Our ‘job’ (I can say now in retrospect) is to be the best version of ourselves, to place ourselves above all else, for the sake of love and self-worth. If you are unable to love yourself – you are unable to have love, kindness or compassion for anyone else. Sure, the road is long, with many winding turns, but around every corner there is another miracle waiting to be claimed, another act of love waiting to be seen, experienced.

It is difficult to experience these miracles and actions when you walk through your life with your eyes wide shut. Many of you do. You know who you are.

If you are struggling with the inability to love yourself – reach out. The first step is admitting your struggle. Once you take that first step and speak it, your eyes begin to open and you begin to see and feel the many possibilities which are set out in front of you.

Do not weep for me, as you well know.

I am present.

I am loving.

I can see the miracles manifesting right in front of me and you and I urge you all to the call of love.

Let peace begin with you and love the life you live.