
Beyond Our Five Senses

People are often in wonder by my ability to connect with our loved ones in the afterlife.

My clients want to know if I can hear their mother talking and if so, what does she sound like?

They ask me if I can actually see them, or do I simply sense their presence?

And what about smells, can I pick up on the scent of their mother’s perfume, or grandfather’s cigar?

My responses are typically something like this… “Yes, like a woman deeply connected with and speaking to her daughter,  yes, oftentimes as if I’m holding a photograph in my hand, and other times an outline of their face, or hair, self, … yes, Estee Lauder, and yes, a real old-fashioned stogie.

The inner workings of the psychic senses have been and will most likely continue to be a mystery to me – however, no matter how often or how many times I connect with those in spirit and open the lines of communication, the reception between us and the connecting and sharing of information never ceases to amaze me.  This connection is open and available to everyone.

I do not and will not profess to know how it ‘works’ but I do know it does work.

Those in spirit share of themselves with me and confide in stories I could never have imagined, let alone created in my wildest dreams.  Their information is as real as the nose on their loved one’s face and as meaningful as the memory they evoke.  If you are open and receptive, the connection between the living and the dead can be powerful and significant.  (By the way, the ‘dead’ constantly remind me that they are not ‘dead’, have not died, but have merely changed form.  They assure me they are very much alive in the ‘afterlife’.)

How is all of ‘this’ achieved, you may be wondering?

Well, in addition to our five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, we also possess psychic senses – all of us.

The psychic senses are aligned with our five senses and then we blend in a sixth sense, which has been defined as; n. A power of perception seemingly independent of the five senses; keen intuition.¹

The psychic senses begin with the prefix ‘Clair’.  The English-language prefix ‘clair-’, from the French ‘clair(e)’ meaning  ‘clear’, when coupled with a root associated with a conventionally recognized sense-ability, generally implies some extraordinary or super-sensory extension or ‘doubling’ of such abilities in a mode which exceeds limits to the availability of sense-data inherent in conventional understandings.²

Let’s first take a look my frequently used senses;

Clairvoyance or Clear Seeing: Tuning into another vibrational frequency and perceiving something within the ‘mind’s eye, similar to extrasensory perceptions and mental images.  Often times I can see past, present and future within different realms.

Clairaudience or Clear Hearing: Perceiving sounds, words, extrasensory noises from spiritual or ethereal realms.  I have always loved music, words and lyrics and connect to other worldly vibrations quite effortlessly.

Clairsentience or Clear Sensation or Feeling: Experiencing sensations without outer stimuli.  As a highly sensitive person I have always been able to sense when something is about to happen, or know when a friend is in need.  Years of listening to and honing my intuition is a great benefit.

The other two senses are my least likely ‘go-to’ and they are: Clairgustance or Clear Tasting and Clairalience or Clear Tasting.

There are a few additional senses such as Claircognizance or Clear Knowing, which is very important to me.  It is similar to Clairvoyance, but I find it to be a knowing on a deeper level than seeing.  It is a knowing and belief tied to my faith and experience communing with the spirit realm.  If you know what I mean when I say “trusting your gut” – then you know what I’m referring to here.

One does not have to travel far to go beyond one’s five senses.  The ability to tap into our ‘clair’senses is available to everyone.  It begins with believing it is possible and it is as simple as sitting down in your favorite chair, inviting the spirit of your loved one to have a seat next to you and tuning into their presence and vibration.  Sit back relax and begin the connection.  Trust me; the conversation will flow before you have the chance to mutter “I am beyond my five senses”.


³ Osho