We Take Ourselves With Us

We Take Ourselves With Us

We take ourselves with us wherever we go – even to heaven my friends, yes, even to heaven.

Spirit is a great teacher.

My spirit collective is even greater.

I learn something new about the possibilities and experiences from the spirit realm each and every day.  One of the most meaningful lessons I have learned is that we take ourselves with us when we transition from physical to non-physical, from flesh and bones to spirit.

Yes, we take ourselves with us.

What does that mean, you may be thinking…?  It’s akin to a lesson I learned in early sobriety, referred to as a ‘geographical cure’.  For example, we may be struggling with our character defects and not seem to get a handle on our excessive drinking habits, so we decide to hop on plane or a bus, with the intention of escaping from our current challenges, simply by moving from one part of the country to another.  The plane lands or the bus reaches its destination we disembark and there we are – same as we ever were.  The phrase ‘wherever you go, there you are’ fits nicely.

Spirit has repeatedly shared personal experiences and stories of what it was like to leave their physical bodies without having made amends, granted or received forgiveness or expressed love.  When they arrived at their spirit destination, they found they were carrying the same emotional angst and baggage they had been carrying when they were in physical form.  In other words, ‘wherever you go, there you are’ or ’you take yourself with you whenever you go’.

From what I have been hearing, this is happening to a greater degree these days.

Spirits arrive at their destination only to find everything is the same as it ever was.

Their emotional baggage begs to be emptied.

I mentioned earlier that spirit is a great teacher.  They are teaching me to share their lessons and they recommend you do whatever you can to make amends, express your love, clear the air and mend those relationships (you know what they are talking about) while you are still alive and in the flesh.  Transitioning then becomes effortless.

Though it is possible to connect and communicate, reconcile and mend relationships after transitioning to spirit, there is a deeper sense of being footloose and fancy free if you take care of business here and now.

If you want to fly first class without baggage, it is advisable to reach out and begin to take the necessary steps to speak your peace, express your love, mend relationships and heal your wounds.

Please, pay attention to the signs and signals you receive on a daily basis – no, you are not ‘hearing voices’ or ‘going crazy’ – many of your ancestors and loved ones in spirit transitioned without taking their own advice and now wait patiently for the opportunity to connect and mend relationships with you.  I am an expert in facilitating those connections and helping you and your loved ones heal relationships and love the life you live.

Whether in physical or non-physical form – we do take ourselves with us wherever we go.