Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression ~ Wave Your Flag

We love waving our flags as much as the next ‘guy’.

We love celebrating and we welcome every reason to do so.

Most of all we love connecting and communicating with you – those in the here and now… our loved ones in form.

But here’s our struggle (this is where we get stuck.)…

It’s not as easy as it looks, as it appears to be.

It’s not as simple as picking up the telephone and calling you or getting in the car and driving to your house.

No, it’s not that simple.

You see, we exist, rather, we live in the afterlife.

We are formless and while we celebrate freedom from attachment to an earthly form, we are not free to connect with whomever and whenever we would like.

This is a problem because we have so much to say.

So much to share.

So many questions to ask.

We desire connection.

We long to sit with you and talk, like we used to.

Our energy and love, which are one in the same, by the way, overflow…

Picture a tall, thin empty glass.

Now picture a pitcher of water.

(Say that three times fast; picture a pitcher, picture a pitcher, picture a pitcher…)

Pick up the pitcher and begin to pour the water into that empty glass… (Imagine every ounce you pour represents our love for you.)

The glass is filling with water… (We have so much unexpressed love.)

Until finally the glass is completely filled.

As you continue to pour (because we have not asked you to put down the pitcher) the water flows over the side and onto the surface which supports the glass.

(The out pouring and overflowing of our love looks just like that!)

And so, if we are unable to express that love, it flows and flows and flows…like the water flowing over the side of the full glass.

Would it be fair to say that’s wasted water – and in turn, wasted love?

Think about that if you will…

What can we do?

What can you do?

For starters…

  • If you are skeptical about the reality of connecting with us, your loved ones in the afterlife, you may want to allow yourself the space in which you get to explore the possibility.
  • Entertain the thoughts “There must be more to living than meets the eye” or “Life does go on once we shed our earthly bodies” as viable and exciting options.
  • Invite the possibility of connection into your life.
  • Welcome our signs, our efforts to connect through songs, symbols, thoughts, dreams and allow yourself to hear us.
  • Step away from all fears and embrace faith.
  • Allow the free flow of love to wash over you.
  • If all else fails and you really want to explore making a connection with us, reach out to someone who can make that happen… there are many Spirit Mediums ready, willing and able to do just that!

Help us to celebrate our interdependence and feel the freedom of connection and expression as we all wave our flags and rejoice together.