
How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways

Customarily the month of February is associated with Valentine’s Day and the expression of love toward your, well, loved one(s). You find ways to express your love through the gifting of flowers, candy and greeting cards, on the ‘appointed’ day.

Why do you limit those expressions of love to only one day (although some of you may show your love and appreciation throughout the year), or why limit those expressions of love to only your loved one(s)?

I have a novel idea… what about expressing that same love to yourself? It is easier to do than you may think, and the consequences of not loving yourself far outweigh the benefits of doing so.

For example, you may live life in the fast lane – constantly do, do, doing for others and doing for yourself only if you have any time remaining at the end of the day, providing you are not exhausted or otherwise plumb tuckered out. Does this ring any bells?

Are you stuck in this, or a similar daily pattern, to the point that you find yourself questioning “What AM I doing?”

Albert Einstein was broadly credited with exclaiming “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” It was Susan Powter, motivational speaker, nutritionist, personal trainer, and author who shouted “Stop the Insanity!” back in the 1990s, and while I am all for a touch of madcap now and again, you, too can stop the insanity.

What if you were to adopt a new and improved perspective which would guarantee you less stress and greater balance? You are capable and I do have faith in you. You need only to decide to apply a different mindset, believe it is possible, and go for it!

It may be something as simple as….

  • Pausing when you find yourself passing a mirror and noticing the beauty and goodness reflecting back at you.
  • Assessing your day to day routine to see where holes may be present, meaning, noticing areas where your love of self may be leaking from your life.
  • Making time and space to sit in silence and meditate for ten minutes a day.
  • Creating an Absolutely YES list and include only the tasks you really want to do, the ones which fill you with joy.
  • Scheduling a getaway with friends to remind yourself of all the love you have in your life. After all, your friends are a reflection of who you are.
  • Deciding to make healthier choices especially around the food with which you fuel your beautiful body.

Step by step success-413093_1920These are a few simple steps you are capable of putting into action right now. Each step, each action will result in a deposit being made into your own, personal self-worth account, and believe me – the deposits add up quickly.

Before you know it, your self-worth account will overflow and you will experience an abundance of wealth and self-love. You will be confident and quick to reply to the question How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count The Ways!



© 2019 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.