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Choose to Live By the Golden Rule

How well do you know yourself?  I mean truly know yourself?  Do you like yourself?  Can you trust yourself?  And why does that matter?

We are living in an age of deep divide and disconnect. People are unsure about what to do, or where to turn. It is becoming easier and easier to lose your way and more difficult to define your purpose and make the right choices. The feeling of “it’s all spinning out of control” permeates the air.

If we, as a ‘people’ continue in this manner, I suspect all we hold near and dear will be lost and we will become a fragmented society of ungrounded, lost individuals. The collectiveness and connection in which we once reveled will become a memory of days gone by.

Take heed my friends, it doesn’t have to be this way. We hold the power to shift the momentum, to harness the energy, to choose and propagate love. If you suddenly experienced a feeling of hopefulness in reading these words, and are feeling a sense of promise about the future, go with that. Allow it to sink in and feel your feelings. I do believe you must feel it to believe it. And if you are feeling it – you are on your way.

It all begins with you.

Here are a few steps to can take to build upon your feelings and begin to change the energy within your own circle of connections:

  1. Return to basics – YOU. That’s right – you. Get to know yourself on a deeper level. Tune into your strengths, weaknesses and areas requiring development. Write them down and give thought to those areas from which you can draw strength. Be gentle with yourself and make time to appreciate all that you are.
  2. Plug into all the love in your life, from yourself, to your mate, and all your animal companions. Plug into the love within your community, feel the connections, nurture the love. Give more of yourself by performing simple acts of compassion and generosity. Learn to graciously receive and say ‘thank you’ for acts of generosity bestowed upon you.
  3. Make connecting and communicating with others count. Pick up the telephone and call that person you’ve been thinking about, write that ‘thank you’ note or ‘thinking of you’ note and mail it, visit the elderly who may be alone and missing their significant other, rescue a dog or a cat, volunteer with organizations that touch your heart, reach out and connect with your loved ones in spirit.

I do believe we are all familiar with the Golden Rule, which is sometimes referred to as the ethic of reciprocity, reciprocity meaning ‘acting in a way that is cooperative and benefits all involved’. If we all earth-1952691_1920made the choice to live by the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” what a wonderful world it will be. The choice is yours. Choose love over fear and keep the faith. “The times they are a changin’.”*


*Bob Dylan – The Times They Are A Changin’ – 1964



© 2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.