Vote for Love or Fear

One cannot help but see the stark differences between our presidential candidates. Our current political arena is replete with opportunities for the American voter. The most glaring opportunity, as I see it, is the choice between love and fear.

The choice is quite simple, I do believe, if one applies a basic principle, the principle I have been applying quite effectively, I might add, over the last few decades.

I am of the belief all humans operate from a place of either love or fear. Love is easy to detect. We all know how a loving person feels, looks and acts. Fear, on the other hand, while simply the absence of love, can be challenging to detect. How does a fearful person feel, look, and act? Let’s take a look at that. Once you recognize the telltale signs, your life will take on new meaning. You will become an emotional environmentalist, saving energy every step of your way.

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Powerful Beings

Affirmations are simply a means of helping you to awaken your own abilities for manifestation or healing. In the process it is helpful for you to focus on your willingness to release whatever may be preventing you from achieving your desire.

I can hear you now, “how am I able to release whatever may be preventing me from achieving my desires if I don’t know what it/they is/are?” Here’s the thing – I believe on some level you do know, you do possess that awareness, but as soon as you acknowledge it, you own it, and you may be reticent to own it at this point. Well, I am here to tell you there is no better time in your life to own it – than now! Read More

Betwixt and Between

On March 23, 2020, the Governor of Massachusetts issued an Executive Order requiring all non-essential businesses close, the following day. Overnight our lives became dramatically different and far more challenging.

March 24th was a little over two months ago, but it sometimes feels like it was over two years ago – doesn’t it? Some have been coping well, others, not so much. We have been tethered to a place of betwixt and between – a place of not being here, nor there.

What is a person to do?

If we fail to recognize the sharp contrast between life before the pandemic and life in the present moment, we may never regain our sense of balance, or our sense of connection. We may never be sure of anything. Read More

Indwelling Power

At a time when uncertainty and fear appear to be near all-consuming, many feel as if they have little if no control, on any outcomes. Although that may be the feeling, it could not be any further from the truth.

There are steps you can take to position yourself in control of your life and relieve some of your stress. Practicing kindness and compassion are on the top of the list – no one or no pandemic can strip that away. Loving one another and keeping in close contact with friends and family is another way and is guaranteed to nourish your soul. Holding a ‘best of possible outcomes’ vision in your mind’s eye and in your heart is a sure-fire way of contributing to the greater good. Choosing healthy foods will fortify your body and immune system.

This Spiritual Mind Treatment, as outlined in Dr. Ernest Holmes book, How to Change Your Life, can be recited and provide you with a positive sense of control and well-being; if practiced. Read More

Love ‘Em, Don’t Eat ‘Em

Awareness of animal exploitation began when a friend ridiculed me for my lack of awareness that milk was produced by lactating cows. I had never given that a second thought — and why would I?
I had been blindly going about my life eating animals and drinking their milk.

It took only one click on the World Wide Web to set me on a new path. I began to consume more information and fewer animals. Curiosity fueled my journey, and I never looked back.

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Set Your Table to Include Your Loved Ones

The holidays are fast approaching and your ancestors and loved ones in spirit long to participate in your family gatherings. I am reminded time and time again of their need to be acknowledged and to be ‘a part of’.

They, your loved ones in spirit, strive to make a connection with you – some do, many do not. I give them credit because they never relinquish that ‘spirit’, they never give up trying. Take comfort in the knowing that they will never give up, no never –not until they connect and communicate with you.

I am also told you can make it a great deal easier for them to connect with you if you tune in and surrender your skepticism. Simply give the possibility of connecting a try. Read More

Hallowed Help

Witches and goblins and ghosts, oh my!
Make sure you sleep with an open eye.

You will want to make sure that you will see,
The souls of your loved ones who will visit thee!

All Hallows’ Eve, when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is the thinnest, making accessibility that much easier, is not the only ideal time for spirits pay a visit. Sure, the energy is ripe for connecting; it’s electrifying, exciting and inviting, if I do say so myself, but it’s not the only time to connect.

Any day, night or day, any season, is an ideal time to reach out, connect and communicate. I can vouch for the willingness and readiness of your loved ones; I sense their desire to spend time with you. Often their desire feels like an imperative. Read More

My Mother ~ My Guide

Once upon a time, many years ago, as I was in deep meditation preparing for a spirit circle, my mother, Leah, came to me. Her question: “What would you do if I told you the reason I brought you onto this earth plane was so that I could help you from the other side?” My response: “What?” (I could not wrap my head around her question.)

She repeated her question: “What would you do if I told you the reason I brought you onto this earth plane was so that I could help you from the other side?”

My response: “How do I know I’m not crazy and hearing voices right now?” (Mind you I had been connecting and communicating with the spirit realm for many years and was used to “hearing their voices”.)

My mother: “Do you trust me?” Me: “Of course I do!” Her response: “Good. Remember how I helped you when we walked the earth plane together? Now imagine what I can do for you from this vantage point.” Read More

Resurrect Your Own Life with Help from the Afterlife

What is the afterlife, you may be wondering. Merriam-Webster defines it as “an existence after death, a later period in one’s life.” defines it as “a future life, the later part of a person’s life.” I define it as ‘life after life, from life in the physical form to life in the spirit form’. Some refer to the afterlife as life on the ‘other side’.

Janis Joplin* believes there is no such place as ‘the other side’. How would I know what Janis Joplin believes? I know because she told me so. Yes, Janis contributed her own ‘take’ on success to the many stories included in my book The Spirits Speak on Success. Janis believes there is no such place as ‘the other side’ and goes on to say “the other side is not really the other side – we are very much with you on your side – we are simply in another form – free floating, transparent, energy without matter. We are all one, and we cohabitate together. It is not the other side; it is this side without form.”

Is the afterlife a place or a state of being, or both? Read More

Happy New Year ~ Happy You Dear

The New Year typically kicks off with you making resolutions and lists of everything in your life that isn’t going well, from having too much weight, to having too little savings. Then you make list of goals, outlining your intentions.

Did you know statistics have proven that while approximately 40% of Americans make resolutions, only 8% to 10% achieve their goals? Since the odds appear to be stacked against you, why not take a different approach this year?

Rather than focusing on the areas of your life you would like to improve upon, how about you focus on the areas of your life that are going well? It has been my experience that you may easily find fault with something about yourself, something negative, and do a really good job of beating yourself up because of it. Read More